Price: $85 (package of 10)

The current edition is September 20, 2024

  • User-friendly graphical layout designed to facilitate navigation information concerning limitations within today's automated cockpits and various computer flight plan formats
  • 1 inch to 120-mile scale 23x17 inches
  • Area of coverage includes Greenland to the south of the Azores
  • Coastal Navaid location with identifiers
  • Isogonic information with Magnetic North indicators for all navaids
  • Preprinted Equal Time Points Solutions covering all areas of operations in the NAT/HLA
  • Blue diamonds to assist in verifying the correct course
  • Tools to verify the FMS next waypoint course using true or magnetic information
  • Master Document Form
  • Position Report Form
  • NAT/HLA Surveillance Airspace depiction
  • Blue Spruce Routes
  • Portsmouth Pease KPSM added for tech stops
  • Includes all CPDLC logon identifiers
  • Includes the Scott IPC QR code that, when scanned with a QR code reader, brings up the live active track message
  • Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure (SLOP)
  • Actions when offsetting/diverting from track without clearance
  • NAT communications failure