When operating in an international environment, you must comply with the ICAO guidance as required by CFR 14 Part 91.703. From reviewing Ramp Inspection Program (SAFA) findings, flight plans, and operating manuals, it is important to ensure your fuel allocations comply with ICAO Annex 6. 

Of the flight plans we have reviewed, the fuel allocation information varies greatly from the required standards. Typically, additional fuel is not required; it must be properly allocated. The most frequently identified and significant issues are: 

  • Taxi Fuel needs to be reasonable and included in the fuel required total 
  • Final Reserve and Contingency Fuel calculations are missing, mislabeled, or incorrect

For your convenience, the Scott IPC ICRH General Guidance tab contains extracted Annex 6 requirements for both Private and Commercial operators.

UPDATED! 06202024

It's happening. The requirement for a separate Oceanic Clearance in the NAT HLA is ending. Significant technological advancements in Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance made this possible. 

As an executive summary, the operator will send the Request for Clearance (RCL) that reflects the FMS loaded filed route but will not receive an Oceanic Clearance in return. Instead, ATC will use the data provided in the RCL to gather the information needed to deconflict and sequence traffic. If a reroute is required, an FMS loadable routing will be uploaded to the aircraft or received via Voice. Review the details below:

As of July 13th, 2023, France will require all aircraft operating within French FIRs, including LFFF, LFEE, LFMM, LFBB, and LFRR FIRs, to log on to CPDLC. This mandate makes France the first state to implement such a requirement.


To operate above FL195, it is necessary to log on to CPDLC if the aircraft is equipped with operable ATN-B1 CPDLC and the crew has received training to operate it. Meeting these requirements signifies capability. In other words, if the aircraft is capable, CPDLC login is mandatory. If it is not capable, there will be no altitude restrictions on the flight.